Plan Your Visit

The Vine is one of the friendliest churches around. You will be greeted warmly by our members. People dress in various different ways for church, and we are a multi-generational church, so whatever your life-stage, you’ll fit right in.

Our worship style would be best described as “blended.” Our priority is the truth of the songs we sing, more than how they make us feel. So whether they’re new, old, or in-between, our songs aim to leave you thinking about how amazing God is.

The Bible, the Word of God, brings comfort, gives inspiration, and challenges our thinking at times. The messages you’ll hear are based on these eternal truths, and applied to our modern-day lives. View the video archive to see a sample.

Our nursery is a clean and safe place to leave your children while you enjoy the service.

We DO NOT embarrass guests! We won’t ask you to say anything or do anything during your visit. A connection card is available in our weekly service program for you to fill out if you would like.

Where do I go once I get there?
Our information center is located just inside the double doors at the front of the church. You’ll be able to pick up a campus guide with a listing of classes and locations, and any other information you may need.

Can you save me a seat?
Let us know when you're planning on stopping by so we know when to expect you and save you a seat!
Save Me a Seat
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