We Believe

The sum of all our theological beliefs is Jesus Christ.

Everything we believe - all the details of our doctrine - spring from knowing God through His Son Jesus Christ. He's the reason we exist, the goal we aim for, and the explanation of life!
Mission Statement:
Guiding People to be growing followers of Jesus 

Doctrinal Statement:
The Bible – We believe the Bible to be the inerrant, infallible Word of God. 

The Trinity – We believe that there is only one God revealed in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit who are co-equal.

Jesus – We believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and He was total God and total man. He died on Calvary’s cross, was buried in a tomb, and rose bodily from the dead.

Prophecy – We believe that Jesus Christ is coming back to rapture the church before the Tribulation Period begins and will return to earth bodily at the end of the Tribulation Period to establish His Kingdom for one thousand years.

Salvation – We believe in a literal heaven and a literal hell. Salvation is provided for man only by receiving Jesus Christ by grace through faith. This salvation, once accepted, is eternally secure by the power of God.

The Church – We believe that a Baptist Church is a congregation of baptized believers associated by a covenant of faith and fellowship of the Gospel in a literal, visible assembly.

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